Adult Programs

Adult Programs:

Please call (250) 486-2199 or email for your first lesson free with no equipment required. For class times, please click here. All necessary equipment is available at our proshop. ardio


Punch, kick, sweat your way to a stronger, leaner more confident you! Muscle and Fitness magazine says that Cardio Kickboxing is the most intensive form of exercise with over 800 calories burned a class! Learn how to take the basic moves of kickboxing and put them into a bag slamming, aggression releasing, power punching workout! You are led through warm up, range of motion stretching, cardio, bag work, resistance training, cool down and flexibility stretching in every class. 

Related Equipment: boxing or bag or wrist wrap gloves

Kick City CORE Training System:

Taking the very best from the leading disciplines in mixed martial arts and reality based systems, the Kick City CORE will build a strong martial arts foundation. This foundation of striking, grappling and throwing (with and without weapons) will prepare you for any situation on the street or in the ring. The CORE training will build skill, strength, conditioning and confidence.

Related equipment: CORE T shirt, pants/ shorts, MMA gloves, shin pads, kali stick

Black Belt Training Program: 

In addition to the CORE training system, BBT includes additional training in the areas of Karate, advanced kicking and weapons will be taught. Extra time and direction will be given to those who wish to earn the highest honour in the martial arts: the coveted black belt. If you are interested in the black belt training program, please contact

Related Equipment: Black Belt Training uniform, bo staff

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