Category Archives: Uncategorized

Masters Class Poll: what weapon is next?

Have a friend that’s “Ready to Kick”?

Has a friend, family or co-worker talked about trying out martial arts in Penticton? Please contact with the code word “Ready to Kick”- they will get a two week trial and if they sign up, they get a free training uniform or bag gloves!

Week of August 23-27 at Kick City

End of Month Reviews & Stripe tests on our radar at Kick City!

It has been a very busy time at Kick City: new branding, website, adding curriculum upgrades to our Masters program- lot’s of stuff! Even with all of these other items, we are still on track for stripe tests and progress checks this week. This means that Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s classes will be review days- covering all of the material we have studied this month. Stripe tests will be held at their regular times on Thursday and Friday respectively. If you want exact dates and times, check out the official Kick City Google Calendar . That means one more month until belt testing time- if you have any questions about your curriculum or need a little extra help, now is the time to ask! Contact Mr. Albas at!

Also our 4 and 5 year old class will be conducting a review on Tuesday and a mock test on Thursday to make sure everyone is ready for the test on Tuesday August 31, 2010 at the regular class time. Parents, it is very important that the students are ready to go right at 3:30 PM, so please come ready to roll!


Great Martial Arts. Now.

Thanks for visiting this site; I am hoping to start posting some martial arts material (instructional videos, product reviews, answering questions) through this blog.

Please feel free to ask questions, or give suggestions as to how we can live up to the Kick City mission of `Great Martial Arts- now`.

Thanks and have a great day!